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Fuzz Testing for Smart Contracts with Foundry

In the ever-evolving world of blockchain technology, securing smart contracts is paramount. These contracts, essentially self-executing programs, hold and manage valuable assets, making them prime targets for malicious attacks. Traditional testing methods often fall short in uncovering hidden vulnerabilities, leaving contracts exposed. This is where fuzz testing steps in, employing a powerful approach to fortify your smart contracts.

What is Fuzz Testing?

Imagine throwing a wide variety of unexpected inputs at a program and observing its behavior. Fuzz testing does exactly that, bombarding the code with diverse, sometimes nonsensical, data to expose edge cases and potential bugs. By iteratively feeding the program with mutated inputs based on previous attempts, fuzz testing helps identify vulnerabilities that traditional testing might miss.

Foundry: A Developer’s Playground for Smart Contract Fuzzing

Foundry is a comprehensive development framework specifically designed for building and testing Solidity smart contracts. Its intuitive interface and built-in testing tools empower developers to seamlessly integrate fuzz testing into their workflow. Foundry offers two primary approaches to fuzz testing:

  • Stateless Fuzzing: This technique focuses on functions within a contract, treating them as standalone units. By isolating functions and feeding them random inputs, stateless fuzzing identifies vulnerabilities specific to those functions.
  • Stateful Fuzzing: This approach takes the full contract into account, including its interaction with blockchain state. By deploying the contract and sending randomized transactions, stateful fuzzing uncovers issues arising from complex state interactions.

The Benefits of Foundry for Fuzz Testing:

  • Integrated Workflow: Foundry seamlessly integrates fuzz testing into your development process, eliminating the need for external tools.
  • Easy Setup: Setting up fuzz tests in Foundry is straightforward, requiring minimal code modification.
  • Advanced Features: Foundry offers features like coverage tracking to visualize which parts of your code have been tested by the fuzzer.

Getting Started with Fuzz Testing in Foundry:

Foundry provides extensive resources and tutorials to guide you through the fuzz testing process. Here are some key steps to get you started:

  1. Install Foundry: Follow the official installation guide to set up Foundry on your system.
  2. Write your Smart Contract: Develop your smart contract using Solidity and deploy it to a local blockchain instance.
  3. Create a Fuzz Test: Write a simple test file using Foundry’s testing framework, specifying the functions you want to fuzz and how to generate random inputs.
  4. Run the Fuzz Test: Execute the test and observe the results. Foundry will report any encountered errors or unexpected behavior.

Code Sample and Fuzz Tests with Foundry

Here’s a simple example demonstrating fuzz testing in Foundry:

Solidity Code (simpleStore.sol):

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract SimpleStore {
    uint256 public value;

    function setValue(uint256 newValue) public {
        value = newValue;

This contract defines a basic SimpleStore with a public value variable and a setValue function to update it.

Fuzz Test (tests/SimpleStoreTest.sol):

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "forge-std/Vm.sol";
import "../SimpleStore.sol";

contract SimpleStoreTest is Vm {
    SimpleStore store;

    constructor() {
        store = new SimpleStore();

    function testSetValue(uint256 newValue) public {
        assertEq(store.value, newValue); // Success case assertion

    function fuzzTestSetValue(uint256 newValue) public {
        vm.assume(newValue > type(uint256).max / 2); // Fuzzing logic
        // No assertion here, as overflow might occur

This test file demonstrates two functions:

  1. testSetValue: This is a standard test case that sets a valid value and asserts the expected behavior (success case).
  2. fuzzTestSetValue: This is the fuzz test that uses vm.assume to generate random inputs greater than half the maximum value of uint256. This can potentially lead to an overflow when assigning to the value variable.

Running the Tests:

  1. Compile the contracts and tests using Foundry: forge build
  2. Run the tests: forge test

Expected Outcome:

  • testSetValue should pass with no errors, as it uses a valid input.
  • fuzzTestSetValue might fail sporadically due to potential overflow from the fuzzed input. This indicates a vulnerability in the contract.


This example showcases how fuzz testing injects unexpected inputs (newValue) and observes the contract’s behavior without assertions. This allows us to identify potential issues like overflows that wouldn’t be caught by a simple test case.

Here’s another example demonstrating fuzz testing in Foundry for a more complex scenario:

Solidity Code (RandomNumberGenerator.sol):

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract RandomNumberGenerator {
    function getRandomNumber() public view returns (uint256) {
        return uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(blockhash(block.number - 1), msg.sender)));

This contract defines a RandomNumberGenerator with a getRandomNumber function that uses the keccak256 hash of the previous block hash and the sender address to generate a pseudo-random number.

Fuzz Test (tests/RandomNumberGeneratorTest.sol):

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "forge-std/Vm.sol";
import "../RandomNumberGenerator.sol";

contract RandomNumberGeneratorTest is Vm {
    RandomNumberGenerator generator;

    constructor() {
        generator = new RandomNumberGenerator();

    function testValidRandomness() public {
        uint256 randomNumber = generator.getRandomNumber();
        assertTrue(randomNumber > 0 && randomNumber < type(uint256).max);  // Assert valid range

    function fuzzTestGenerator(bytes calldata msgData) public {
        vm.etch(msg.sender, msgData); // Inject fuzzed message data
        // No assertion here, as potential manipulation might occur

This test file demonstrates two functions:

  1. testValidRandomness: This standard test case calls getRandomNumber and asserts that the returned value is within the expected range.
  2. fuzzTestGenerator: This fuzz test injects random data (msgData) into the msg.sender storage slot using vm.etch. This could potentially manipulate the generated random number if the contract relies solely on msg.sender for randomness.

Running the Tests:

  1. Compile the contracts and tests using Foundry: forge build
  2. Run the tests: forge test

Expected Outcome:

  • testValidRandomness should pass with no errors.
  • fuzzTestGenerator might fail sporadically due to potential manipulation of the random number generation logic. This indicates a vulnerability in the contract’s reliance on a single source of randomness (e.g., msg.sender).


This example showcases how fuzz testing can target specific aspects of a contract’s functionality, in this case, the randomness generation. By injecting unexpected data, we can uncover potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited to manipulate the generated numbers.

Remember, fuzz testing is not a silver bullet. It’s one of many tools in your arsenal for building robust and secure smart contracts. By combining fuzz testing with other security best practices, such as code reviews and audits, you can significantly increase the confidence in your smart contracts and protect your users’ assets.

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